October 29, 2004

"I know you're out there, I know you're gone."- Dinosaur Jr.

Briefly then:

Clap-Clap's ode to home recording makes me want to unearth the four-track. Maybe next week.

Chromewaves hunts for answers regarding the forthcoming Dinosaur Jr. reissues on Merge, for which I will set babies afire and push old ladies down stairs to get my hands on when they come out.

"Bremer claims that the fact that we never caught anyone stealing them means that no one could have stolen them." I love Wonkette.

Tonevendor does a fair job reviewing the Mendoza Line's odds and sods compilation curated by The Good Doctor. In addition to being a great record, the record is also important because I am thanked in the liner notes. I taped the band doing an interview and some songs at WMBR a couple years ago, and the stuff I recorded was used on the record. So kudos to me.

That is all.

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