August 22, 2007

Today's Hotness: Lilys, Piebald, Frightened Rabbit

>> Rejoice. We've had a one-day reprieve from our work project, which now starts tomorrow. Here's some odds and sods that have been kicking around for a while.

>> Since we're gaga over the Lilys, you can imagine how pleased we are that the car commercial their music is currently being used in has drawn so much attention (based on the number of Google searches that are hitting :: clicky clicky ::, that is). Coincidentally, we've just encountered some incredibly rare live video of the band via the new, pretty sharp video search thing Chime.TV. The clip atop this item is about 72 seconds of the Lilys doing "Ginger," the tune in the aforementioned car commercial, during the band's all-too-brief 2006 tour supporting the Manifesto release Everything Wrong Is Imaginary. And this is a link to 87 seconds worth of a scorching version of "Touch The Water," the Apples In Stereo tune Lilys have covered for years and which first appeared on the 2001 Selected release on File 13. Or maybe it first appeared on the Send In The Subs bootleg. We'll look into that. Anyway, yeah, the Lilys: they're awesome.

>> We remember Piebald breaking up like five or six years ago, don't we? Well, apparently the Boston emo superheroes are calling it quits again after wrapping their current tour, according to Pun Canoes. Don't care? Then obviously you've never heard the towering rockfest that is "Grace Kelly With Wings," the opening track to 1999's If It Weren't For Venetian Blinds, It Would Be Curtains For Us All. The song starts all (erstwhile label mates) Get Up Kids, and ends all Queen, and it's great. You can download a live version of the cut here, where some cat has posted Piebald's set from the 2001 MacRock fest. Dig it. We've posted the studio version below.

Piebald -- "Grace Kelly With Wings" -- If It Weren't For Venetian Blinds, It Would Be Curtains For Us All
[right click and save as]
[buy Piebald records from EMusic here]

>> You know that Frightened Rabbit single that we noted was right around the corner? AngryApe has some more details about it here, including the fact that the flipside to "Be Less Rude" will be the quasi-title track to the trio's first record, "The Greys." The "Be Less Rude" single streets Sept. 24, and Fat Cat issues a remastered version of the band's debut full-length Sings The Greys in October, if memory serves.

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