April 22, 2007

Today's Hotness: Johnny Foreigner (Again), Morrissey

Johnny Foreigner makes the drinky-drinky motion
>> [Yes, we realize this is the third time we mentioned the band this week. Sue us -- Ed.] If you've been a reader for any length of time, you know we will occasionally advise you to drop everything and obtain some music. Most recently we think our recommendation was Ringo Deathstarr. But today we again turn our focus to matchless Birmingham, England-based noise pop trio Johnny Foreigner, which has just posted three new tracks for download at its MySpace manger. The recordings are dramatically cleaner than the band's early demos but still pack a wallop. And the songs are startlingly amazing, particularly "Our Bipolar Friends (Ninja 2)" and "Suicide Pact Yeh," considering the band is sort of due to write a clunker at this point, what with all of the great songs they've been posting lately. We are beginning to worry that if the band keeps giving away all their songs they will never have enough new and unheard for a debut full-length. But anyway, let their potential loss be your definite gain and go download the tracks ASAP. JoFo is awesome and they keep getting better, and with Los Campesinos signed off to Arts + Crafts as of this week, Johnny Foreigner's unsigned days are likely drawing to a close. Maybe we'll have a little fun in the next week or so and tell you what songs we'd pick for a JoFo full-length, which versions and the running order. In the meantime go download these tracks -- they are crucial, spring-finally-comes-to-Boston listening.

Johnny Foreigner -- "Our Bipolar Friends (Ninja 2)"
Johnny Foreigner -- "Cranes And Cranes And Cranes"
Johnny Foreigner -- "Suicide Pact Yeah"
@ MySpace

>> Here's video of living legend Morrissey and band destroying on The Jimmy Kimmel Show in Hollywood Friday night. Two words: trombone solo.

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