[UPDATED Tuesday 3/13/2012 9:42PM] We take it for granted that all music fans are like us, meaning, very likely to build a personal SXSW schedule weeks before our Docs hit the dusty streets of Austin. Maybe you just don't have your shit together? Maybe you like to go with the flow. Whatever your reason, Clicky Clicky's brain trust here weighs in on our picks for the best sets to see at South By. Unsurprisingly, bands that the blog follows closely get their props here; after all, we wouldn't track them if they sucked. But there are also some new or at least newer names here as well. So if you spent all your time figuring out which tacos to eat this coming week and have left the music piece to chance (so far), read on. We think, using the power of our proven system, that below you will encounter many things guaranteed* to rock. The Clicky Clicky dude making each selection is identified in parentheses.
__M O N D A Y__
7:00PM - Sunday, 3/18 1:00AM (Rock) -- Hoeks Metal Fest presented by Texas Metal Collective (full lineup)
Hoeks Death Metal Pizza, 511 East 6th Street
__T U E S D A Y__
6:00PM (Jay) -- Big Deal
The Warby Parker Citizen's Circus @ French Legiation Museum
8th Street and Embassy Drive
11:15PM (Jay) -- Belaire
Art Disaster No. 14 presented by BleachOnline.com
Beauty Bar, 617 E. 7th Street
11:55PM (Rock) -- Daniel Johnston & Motopony / 1:05 AM Built to Spill
BrooklynVegan Presents Daniel Johnston's 'Space Ducks' SXSW Launch Party
The Belmont, 305 W 6th Street
12:45PM (Rock) -- Glossary
This Is American Music / Captains Dead Tuesday SXSW Kickoff Party
Hole In The Wall, 2538 Guadalupe Street
1:00AM (Rock) -- Wussy
Midwest by Southwest Presented by The All Night Party
Soho Lounge, 217 E 6th Street
__W E D N E S D A Y__
2:00PM (Edward) -- The Men
Presented by Consequence of Sound's CoSigns
Beauty Bar, 617 E 7th St.
3:45PM (Jay) -- The Henry Clay People
Buzzbands LA Presents Dear Austin, Love L.A.
Opal Divines Freehouse, 770 W. 6th Street
4:30 PM (Rock) -- Thee Oh Sees / 5:15 The
IODA SXSW OpeningDay Bash
Red Eyed Fly, 715 Red River Street
7:00PM (Edward) -- The Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Presented by Echo/Echoplex/Origami/VINYL SXSW Throwdown
Shangri-La, 1016 SE 6th St.
11:00PM (Rock) -- Screaming Females
Bar 96, 96 Rainey Street
1:00AM (Rock) -- Titus Andronicus
Bar 96, 96 Rainey Street
__T H U R S D A Y__
1:00PM (Edward) -- Dive
Presented by The Pitchfork Day Party
The Mohawk, 912 Red River
2:55PM (Edward) -- The Spinto Band
Presented by Riot Act Media
Swan Dive, 615 Red River
5:00PM (Jay) -- Hospitality
Waterloo Record In-Store, 600A North Lamar
5:00PM (Rock) -- Crooked Fingers
End Of An Ear Records, 2209 South First Street
9:00 - 10:45PM (Rock) -- Big Star Third Concert (Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me (Work-in-Progress) documentary screening at 7pm)
Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress Avenue
1:00AM (Rock) -- Future of the Left
Swan Dive, 615 Red River Street
__F R I D A Y__
11:30AM (Jay) -- The War On Drugs
KEXP Live Broadcast, Free
Mellow Johnny's Bike Shop, 400 Nueces Street
12:00PM (Edward) -- Gauntlet Hair
Presented by Rhapsody Rocks Austin
Club Deville, 901 Red River St.
12PM-6PM (Edward) -- Purity Ring
Presented by MWTX 2012
East Side Drive-In, 1300 E 5th St.
3:00PM (Jay) -- Bitches
KXLU and the Smell What by Whatever 2012 Showcase
Domy Brooks 913 E. Cesar Chavez
5:00PM (Rock) -- Militant Babies
SX Flak Records Sessions
The Local, 2610 Guadalupe Street
5:35PM (Rock) -- Waco Brothers with Paul Burch
Bloodshot Records Annual Yard Dog Party
Yard Dog, 1510 South Congress Avenue
6:00PM (Edward) -- Dum Dum Girls
Scion Presents: Check Yo Ponytail + UWeekly Austin
Emo's East, 2015 E Riverside Dr. Bldg #4
10:00PM (Rock) -- Grant Hart
Beale Street Tavern, 214 East 6th Street
12:30AM (Jay) -- Dinosaur Jr.
Filter Culture Collide SXSW, Free with RSVP
Bar 96, 96 Rainey Street
__S A T U R D A Y__
2:00PM (Edward) -- Cymbals Eat Guitars
Presented by The A.V. Club and Flowerbooking: The March Into Softness
Club Deville, 900 Red River
2:45PM (Jay) -- The Big Sleep
BuzzMedia PureVolume House presented by iHeart Radio PV House Party
The Pure Volume House, 2nd & Trinity St
4:00PM (Jay) -- The Wedding Present
Blurt Magazine Party/Dog Fish Head IPA Day 4
The Ginger Man, 301 Lavaca
4:30PM (Jay) -- Ringo Deathstarr
Sweet Tea Pumpkin Pie Does! Does! Does! Showcases!
101 San Jacinto Blvd.
10:00PM (Rock) -- Supreme Dicks / 11:00PM Death of Samantha
WFMU live broadcast
Beerland, 711 Red River Street
12:00 AM (Rock) -- Tommy Stinson
The Whiskey Room, 503 East 6th Street
1:00 AM (Rock) -- Carsick Cars
The 512, 408 East 6th Street
__S U N D A Y__
7:00PM - 1:00AM (Rock) -- Hoeks Metal Fest presented by Texas Metal Collective (full lineup)
Hoeks Death Metal Pizza, 511 East 6th Street
1:30PM - 2:00AM (Rock) Alejandro Escovedo & Friends (full lineup)
The Continental Club, 1315 South Congress Avenue
*not guaranteed.
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