August 12, 2005

"I was dressed for success, but success it never comes." - Pavement.

Well friends, change is afoot. The Junkmedia blog we will be writing and editing is slated to launch Monday, barring any unforseen difficulties on the technical side. It is called World of Sound, and if you have been reading Clicky Clicky for any length of time, we think you'll enjoy it. There are going to be new features, and we hope that some of you will lend a hand with some of them when time permits. It's been a pleasure blogging for you here, and there may occasionally be some posts here whenever we feel the need to talk about something that wouldn't quite fit over at World of Sound. Anyhoo, come Monday why not come check out our new digs at Junkmedia? We're linked prominently in the lower left hand corner.

UPDATE: Here is a hard link to the blog that actually works right now, now being an hour or two before the actual Junkmedia relaunch. So if you want a sneak peek, or if you are reading this tomorrow the peek is not as sneaky, here is Junkmedia's World of Sound.

That is all.


Unknown said...

Question for ya, J...

Any chance of doing up an RSS feed for World of Sound? I find myself relying solely on my rss reader nowadays, so I'd love to be able to check for new posts through there. Thanks...

Unknown said...

Hey Brad. Nice to hear from you. Funny, I just checked to see if you'd posted an update. The WoS RSS feed is coming. All the back-end stuff for the blog is being handled by other guys. Depending on how hard it is to set up the feed (I am but a simple cave man...), the feed might have to wait for a guy to get back from tour. But I kind of thought it was a simple process, so maybe my fearless leader can just flip the switch. Thanks for reading.