Some things are just not for us, and we throw folksy stuff into that category, but in perhaps one of the most tired tropes in writing, we now inevitably state this: The Grownup Noise is kind of folksy, but even so we love it. The latest EP, Shall We?, is a beautiful short set. As we said here in July, "Shall We? is replete with light, bright and mostly piano-led indie pop. We're a fan of all five songs, particularly "Six Foot Solemn Oath" and its vocal interplay between fronter Paul Hansen and cellist Katie Franich." We expect Tuesday night's show at Passim will be wonderful, as the band will be tour-tight after its recent circumnavigation of the continent. Once more for your listening pleasure, here's the solo strummer "Outside."
The Grownup Noise's "Outside" by clicky clicky music blog
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