>> Pitchfork's Thom Yorke interview here is very informative, and the most interesting part of all may be the Radiohead fronter's admission that he struggles with crippling doubt, and, while he does not explicitly say it, stage fright. Of the latter concern, Yorke makes reference to the well-known troubles of XTC's Andy Partridge, who suffered from such acute stage fright that the band had to stop touring. Anyway, the entire interview is a must-read, and as such we don't refer to Pitchfork by one of our funny and slightly derisive nicknames here.
>> Behold, the video for The Futureheads' new single "Worry About It Later," available in two different delicious flavors of streaming media [ RM | WM ]. The single is available Aug. 14 from all the usual real and virtual places you buy singles.
>> And finally: behold, the cover art for the forthcoming Hold Steady record Boys And Girls In America and some tour dates for the greatest American bar band. And there is a new Album Leaf record coming. Sub Pop releases Into The Blue Again Sept. 12, according to Billboard here.
FYI: I'm a huge fan of +/-, and it is no longer just James Baluyut, former Versus member Patrick Ramos writes and sings his songs in the band too. Along with drummer Chris Deaner, +/- has become a full band.
Good clarification, Kevin. I knew +\- had become a full band, but I did not know that Patrick was writing music too.
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